About the Recipe
Learn basic programming concepts such as sequences, loops, conditional statements, and events.
Develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills.
Enhance creativity through digital storytelling and game design.
Computer or tablet with Scratch software (https://scratch.mit.edu/)
Internet access for accessing Scratch online or downloading the offline editor
Set Up a Scratch Account:
Visit the Scratch website and create a free account. If working with younger children, parental assistance may be necessary for account setup.
Introduction to Scratch Interface:
Familiarize yourself with the Scratch interface. Explore the different areas: the Stage, the Sprite list, the Block palette, the Coding area, and the Costume and Sound tabs.
Start a New Project:
Click on “Create” to start a new project. Give your project a name and set a theme, whether it's a game, an animation, or a story.
Create Your First Sprite:
Choose a sprite from the library or draw your own in the costume editor. Add it to your project.
Add Motion:
Drag and drop motion blocks to make your sprite move around the screen. Experiment with different movements such as turning, going forward, or responding to keyboard inputs.
Add a Background:
Set a backdrop from the library or create a custom background using the backdrop editor to give context to your sprite's actions.
Include Sound and Effects:
Enhance your project by adding sound effects and visual effects. Use the sound library or record your own sounds.
Create Interactions:
Use events blocks to make sprites interact with each other or respond to user inputs such as mouse clicks or key presses.
Debug and Test:
Run your project and watch your sprite in action. Debug any issues by adjusting the blocks and their arrangement.
Share and Save:
Save your project and share it on the Scratch community or with friends and family to get feedback.