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Animal Ethogram Development: Documenting Behavioral Patterns

Prep Time:

Approximately 2-3 hours

Cook Time:

Ensure all participants are comfortable with the setup and understand how to handle the equipment safely.
Remind participants to take breaks if watching screens for extended periods to avoid eye strain.


Ages 15 and up



About the Recipe

[object Object]


  • Video recordings of animals (can be sourced from documentaries, zoos, or wildlife cameras)

  • Observation sheets (pre-designed templates for recording behaviors)

  • Stopwatch or a device with a timer

  • Pen or pencil


  • Setup:

    • Prepare a comfortable viewing area where participants can watch video recordings without interruption.

    • Distribute observation sheets and explain how to use them.

    • Demonstrate how to operate the stopwatch.

  • Observation:

    • Play the video recordings of animals. Each participant should focus on one animal at a time if multiple animals are shown.

    • Use the stopwatch to time each distinct behavior observed (e.g., how long a lion spends eating compared to resting).

  • Recording:

    • Record each observed behavior in the ethogram sheet. Note the duration and context of the behavior (e.g., solitary feeding, social interactions).

    • Categorize behaviors broadly (e.g., foraging, grooming, socializing) and then more specifically if possible (e.g., types of social interactions).

  • Analysis:

    • After the observation session, discuss the behaviors noted. Compare notes on any common patterns or unique behaviors.

    • Use the recorded data to analyze behavioral patterns, such as most frequent behaviors, behaviors linked to environmental factors, etc.

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